Blog - Blake Alcott


APRIL 2019



Staying in shape. We talk about losing and gaining 'weight', but weight is much less important than shape. Our bodies' shapes, whether they're heavy or light, are the main point of beauty, and being 'in shape' - strong, energetic, flexible - is what feels good even when nobody's looking. Here are some amateurish, un-radical and only roughly-ordered thoughts. Most of these to-dos and not-to-dos are fairly easy, or low-cost, high-benefit.


1)  Don't drink alcohol - it will make you want to eat more.

2)  Chew until the taste buds in the back of your mouth really feel it. With that enjoyment (satisfaction) you'll need less quantity.

3)  Use 1/3 less sugar in your tea or coffee than what you're using now.

4)  Eat some butter, salt, sugar and chocolate. They'll make you happy and feel satiated. Again, you'll need less quantity.

5)  Eat foods you like even if they're expensive - otherwise you'll try to make up in quantity what you're missing in quality and simply what you LIKE.

6)  Eat meat.

7)  Eat salad (raw vegetables, especially leafy ones).

9)  Beware of social eating: when you're in company, just keep telling yourself there are pressures to eat more, or stuff you don't really want, and resist. Just knowing you're in that dangerous situation will lead to taking a bite or two less.

10) Do loosening-up exercises 10 minutes per day. If you want to do hard strength-things like push-ups, OK, but at least loosen up. Jumping jacks have a great benefit-cost ratio. Beware of heavy exercise - it'll make your body crave for food.

11) Get as much sleep as you possibly can. Never cut corners on sleep. If you're sleepy, sleep! This trick is even scientifically proven: the more sleep, the less eating.

12) Eat yogurt when you feel hunger pangs.

13) Listen to any inner aversion to certain combinations of foods. This makes digestion simpler for your stomach.

14) Be willing to just quit eating even if there is stuff still on your plate or in the pan. Leftovers taste better than recently-cooked food, anyway. Or just throw food away/give it to other animals.

15) If you're having cake, pie or a brownie with your tea or coffee, drink that without sugar: no need!

16) Eat out as much as you can afford to, because the portions are usually smaller than what you prepare at home. Also, the prices are on the menu, and since the bill is coming, you might not want to spend more to eat more.

17) Don't kick and force and hate yourself. Remember that at least half of your 'weight' and desires and habits are genetically determined. If there's nothing you can do about some desires or over-eating or laziness, then you're not to blame. Try to be happy with relative success.

18) Eat soup. This is sort of like eating yogurt. The hunger goes away with little fat or quantity intake.

19) Sell your car. Bike, walk. This also saves money that you can spend on expensive food (see above).

20) Like yogurt and soup, try just drinking WATER when you feel those small hunger pangs. Often, you're not hungry, you're thirsty.

21) Eat as few additives as you can, i.e. all that 'E' stuff in prepared foods. Additives accumulate and hold water and, according to my half-baked theory, must have other chemical consequences in your body that make it big and flabby. 'Big and flabby' sounds beautiful, doesn't it?

22) Get massages and/or massage yourself. This is fun. Use your hands or a terry-cloth towel.

23) Since jogging and swimming are boring, play a sport. Tennis is good because you need only one other person.

24) Go to the movies. The temptation or possibility to munch is less than when watching shows on your laptop. But if the movie shows great dinners you're in trouble and will have to binge (a bit) aftewards.

25) Do suffer some hunger pangs. Just put up with them for half an hour. There's no way around 'No pain, no gain' but don't overdo it.


There are undoubtedly alot more such ideas that aren't all that hard to put into practice. Maybe an apple a day - so easy.


JUNE 2016


This Excel sheet shows the distribution of attention in the Palestine Solidarity Campaign's journal Palestine News amongst 4 categories: General, West Bank/Gaza, Israel and Refugees/their descendants.

PSC News analysis.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 149.5 KB




In November I spent 3 weeks in Yafa, Jerusalem, Haifa, Nazareth, Ramallah, Bethlehem and Hebron, trying to talk to as many people as possible about One Democratic State. Many of them I've known from past conferences or specifically ODS work: Ofra, Sami, Khalid, Nitza, Eli, Jahid, Aya, Yoav, Iris, Radi, Uri, Ahmad, Nur, Diana, Mazin, Ghassan, Sam. And Phantina and Majd, Palestine's future. Others I met for the first time for substantial talks: Awad Abdelfattah (General Secretary of the Tajamoa/Balad Party in the Knesset), Jonathan Cook (journalist and freshly-baked citizen of Israel whose wife is a native of Nazareth), Mohammad El Helu (Abu Roza) (like Radi and Uri of the Popular Movement for ODS), the ODS group in Hebron (Shareef, Fouad, Ghassan, Amin, Hossam, Majid), and Walid Abu Tayeb of Jerusalem and Nazareth.


In Ramallah I stayed at a good friend's where I had my only contact with the present small intifada. A young man at the pizza parlor had just lost his friend to an Israeli bullet at peaceful protests at the entrance to Bet El, and before his death visited him every night after work in hospital. Teargas was often in the air. Young boys practiced slinging rocks in the fields around our house. Question: Is throwing stones at Israeli military vehicles and well-defended Israeli soldiers 'violent' or peaceful? Remember that 'armed' resistance under international law is legitimate, and remember as well that in the history of the last 130 years it was Zionism, with decisive British help, that threw the first stone.


The gentrification and judaisation of Yafa is not pretty. The higher purchasing power of Israeli Jews, plus building restrictions for non-Jewish Israelis, makes this inevitable. And Yafa is basically beautiful, despite its poverty and the destruction of a large swathe of its old city by the British in June 1936. I put myself through the ordeal of a visit to the Avraham Stern Museum in south Tel Aviv: for strong stomachs only. From the reception area of Haaretz I got to talk to Gideon Levy briefly on the phone, to thank him for his work and ask him about coming to England to speak. We also went to Lydda/al-Ludd/Lod and paid homage to those who were murdered in the mosque by Haganah forces in July 1948 - and to the thousands from that city and neighbouring Ramle who were then ethnically cleansed in an easterly direction, sent on what for many turned out to be a death march, as celebrated by the notorious Ari Shavit in his book My Promised Land.


St George's Guest House on Nablus Road is an oasis and has the advantage of being just around the corner from the Educational Bookshop, once owned by Edward Said's uncle Edward. What a pleasure to be there, buying books, talking and drinking coffee. The Street Kitchen down Salah Eddin Street is also very good. I was in Haifa the morning Sheikh Raed Salah got arrested following the banning of the northern Islamic Movement (Israel likes to ban groups who challenge, even implicitly, the legitimacy of having a Jewish state in the Middle East) and got to shake his hand as he was released in front of the police station. Is Tajamoa the next to be taken down? Israel is NOT a democracy except for Jews.


Jonathan Cook's tour of Nazareth Illit and Suffariya (the cleansed Arab village where Izz al-din Qassam lived) is mind-blowing, excellent. Going across the border to Jenin, then Ramallah, in a private car was hilarious. The female Israeli soldier looked at my passport then asked me through the window, 'Do you speak English?' 'Yes.' 'Do you know you are now going into the West Bank?' 'Yes.' 'Do you know anybody there?' 'Yes.' Then she waved us through. We cracked up. 'The West Bank! No. Let me out of this car!' My 2 Palestinian friends then kidnapped me and tortured me, of course.


Mazin's Natural History Museum is getting along nicely, on Bethlehem's outskirts. His wife Jessie and I are both obsessed with picking up litter, so we did that on the grounds for a while. In addition to working politically for ODS - giving talks in all corners of the world, for instance - Mazin is training masters students in the botany and zoology of Palestine. Strong people for the future. In Hebron our meeting with 7 ODS people was a success. For that and for Awad Abdelfattah's speech at the South African parliament in September see our website under News and Documents.


There is still some confusion amongst supporters of ODS about 'bi-nationalism'. My take on it is that a 'nation' in this discourse is defined ethnically and religiously. The resulting concept is a COLLECTIVE right - for this ethno-religious group - to a state. So a 'state' holding 2 'nations' at least isn't incoherent. But it's not ODS, which has only individual citizens, albeit with utter freedom and equal treatment for whatever collectives or groups want to form. Once on the road of collective rights where does it stop? Why not sub-groups self-identifying as Druze-Moslem, Ashkenazi-Jewish, Christian-Arab, Mizrachi-Jewish, Phillipino and a few others to form a 'septa-national' state? Why not instead separate ethnicity and state?


I realise that many Palestinians (as well as, as we know, many Jews) would like a state where they have at least symbolically the top spot, and I have nothing but respect for those Palestinians who have fought, been wounded, jailed and died for an Arab-Palestinian STATE. There is no arguing with them as people, and no denying that they were robbed by the League of Nations and Britain of the chance for their own state, somehow defined in terms of their language, history, religion and culture, during the first half of the 20th century. The debate goes on amongst the Palestinians and Israeli Jews working for ODS in historic Palestine, and elsewhere, to clarify this issue and try to find some way to satisfy the emotional and cultural needs of the indigenous who have been occupied for the last several centuries.



Since publishing my critique of the Zionist writings of Jonathan Freedland, that author, who as 'Executive Editor, Opinion, overseeing Comment is free, editorials and long reads' at the Guardian, has turned somewhat away from his theme of Israel/Jewishness, devoting himself largely now to bashing Jeremy Corbyn, new Labour Party leader, partly because Corbyn is too far left for Freedland and partly because Corbyn's Zionism is too soft for him (I disagree; they are more or less on the same page when it comes to Israel: the Zionist two-state solution).

On 13 November 2015 a Guardian piece did appear with the title 'Disapora Jews [sic.] do offer a rare chance for hope in the Middle East'. Here is evidence that Freedland has not advanced in his thinking, still believing the persecution of Jews (in Europe) had something to do with the Middle East (Palestine and Palestinians), which it didn't, and still smearing critics of Israel and Zionism with the 'antisemitic' label:

“This week came an admittedly small sign offering similar hope in a very different context. London’s City University published a new and comprehensive survey of British Jewish attitudes to Israel. Unsurprisingly, it found that Israel is central to Jewish lives: some 93% said it forms some part of their identity as Jews.  §   That, incidentally, should be noted by those anti-Israel campaigners who insist there’s no connection between the two, that it’s perfectly possible to despise everything about Israel – the world’s only Jewish country – without showing any hostility to Jews. Jews themselves usually don’t see it, or experience it, that way. Most of them are bound up with Israel, one way or the other. As the great British Jewish novelist Howard Jacobson puts it, Jews see in Israel ‘a version of themselves’.”

Damn it, just as the Rest of the World has become able to distinguish between criticism of Israel/Zionism and antipathy towards Jews and Jewishness, Freedland reassures his readers that it’s OK to continue to conflate them: Even discounting the hyperbolic straw man of ‘despise everything about Israel’, we anti-Zionists remain antisemites. And don’t you like ‘the great British Jewish’ characterisation of Jacobson?

What Freedland doesn’t understand is that whether Israel is a part of the ‘identity’ of 93 or even 100% of British Jews is of utterly no importance or relevance to Palestinians or indeed to the Rest of the World. It is something British Jews must deal with themselves. Drawing political conclusions from their own perceived identity that are dangerous to the life and limb of Palestinians and others in the wider world is simply out of bounds.

We thus arrive back at one of Freedland’s fundamental neuroses that I discovered while analysing his work last year: In his brain and heart, Palestinians don’t exist. Whether this and his philosemitism constitute racism is a matter of opinion, but it certainly is a neurosis. If you sometimes struggle to understand why the Guardian's bottom line is the well-being of the Jewish state in the Middle East, remember who is its head of Opinion. Everything - its toleration of Egypt's Sisi, its still equivocal view of the Western invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, its various dilemmas over ISIS/Syria and even its lukewarm view of the normalisation of Iran - traces back to this. Freedland will always run every opinion piece through his filter of 'What is good for Israel?'





In fall 2014 the Swiss voters rejected a people's initiative called 'Ecopop' to limit immigration and increase aid to family-planning programs in countries where the demand for such is not being met. To some leftist ears this sounds dodgy, but it's not. The initiative and its supporters do not care whether the populace of Switzerland is white, black, brown, yellow, green or blue, but perceive that absolute numbers in each country and on our planet must eventually stabilise. The following essay in German was kindly placed on the initiative's website and convinced at least 8 of my friends to vote Yes. Wow. I've written a chapter on the population-and-environment topic in English for a book called Sustainability: Key Issues to be published by Routledge in 2016.


Ein links-grünes Ja zur Schweizer Ecopop-Initiative

Die Ecopop-Initianten halten fest, dass es bei der Ecopop-Initiative rein um die Anzahl Menschen in der Schweiz geht, nicht um deren Herkunft oder Staatsangehörigkeit. Der Initiativtext ist dementsprechend neutral. Weil aber diese Anzahl nicht durch Beeinflussung der Geburtenrate im Inland gesteuert werden kann, ist eine Senkung der Rate der Zunahme der Bevölkerung in der Schweiz nur mittels Einschränkung der Zuwanderung möglich.

Man kann von dieser Initiative nicht verlangen, dass sie selbst Kriterien für die Auswahl dieser Zuwanderer aufstellt, was deshalb dem Staat überlassen wird. Auch können die Initianten nichts dafür, wenn Andersmotivierte die Initiative mit-befürworten, um Leute anderer Herkunft fernzuhalten. Zumal die links-grünen Gegner der Initiative jetzt am gleichen Strich wie das Rechtskapital ziehen, das sich billige Arbeitskräfte und wachsende Absatzmärkte wünscht, lassen wir lieber jegliches Scheinargument beiseite, das dem Gegner Lotterbett-Verhalten vorwirft.

Ob gegenerische Argumente betreffend der angeblichen Wirtschaftsfeindlichkeit der Initiative, oder deren behaupteten EU-Unverträglichkeit, zutreffen, sei hier dahingestellt, weil auch wenn sie zutreffen dürfen der langfristige Umweltschutz wie auch die Hebung der Lebensqualität wohl etwas ‘kosten’.

Eine Schweizer Initiative, die eine Verminderung der Umweltbelastung generell zum Ziel hat, kann alleine den globalen Ressourcenverbrauch oder die Verschmutzung des globalen Commons nicht reduzieren. Die Auswirkung würde lokal bleiben. Die Alternative zur Initiative ist aber ein Nichtstun, das gleichzeitig weiterhin das Umweltthema Bevölkerungsgrösse unangesprochen lässt. Die Initiative hat also auf der Ebene der planetären Umweltprobleme nur die (allerdings wichtige) Funktion, eine Grundsatzdiskussion zu fördern: Durch solche Abstimmungen bilden wir uns weiter.

Nach zwei Jahrzehnten Tabuisierung dieses Themas gilt es nämlich wieder zu erkennen, dass die Umweltbelastung aus zwei Faktoren stammt – Konsum pro Kopf und Anzahl Köpfe. Und wohl ist eine Verminderung von nur einer dieser Grössen nicht hinreichend, um die Ausbeutung und Verschmutzung der Natur zu bremsen. Beide zusammen sind dafür notwendig. Überdies macht es keinen Sinn, diese zwei Faktoren gegeneinander auszuspielen. Um Nachhaltigkeit zu erreichen muss man sowohl beim pro-Kopf Konsum als auch bei Bevölkerungsreduktion ansetzen, aber im Bewusstsein, dass die Senkung beider Grössen ein langsamer Prozess sei. Zwar greifen Massnahmen, die die Bevölkerungsgrösse steuern wollen, wahrscheinlich schneller.

Zudem sei darauf hingewiesen, dass eine Schweizer Initiative mit dem Ziel, den pro-Kopf Konsum von Ressourcen zu reduzieren, vor der gleichen Sachlage wie die Ecopop-Initiative stehen würde: Was hier in der Schweiz nicht verbraucht wird, wird nebenan in Europa oder sonstwo verbraucht. Keine Umweltmassnahme, die ein einzelnes Land beschliesst, entgeht diesen Rebound-Effekt.

In ähnlicher Weise ist es nicht statthaft zu sagen, wir sollen eher bei der Raumplanung oder der Verkehrspolitik ansetzen. Das wäre ein falsches Entweder-Oder: man kann doch solche Vorstösse gleichzeitig mit z.B. Ecopop machen, und bestimmt würden Ecopop-Befürworter/innen entsprechende Initiativen unterstützen. Diese Initiative steht aber jetzt auf dem Tisch. Es gilt nicht, im Nachhinein zu sagen, was wir besser hätten machen können.

Es bleiben zwei Gebiete, wo die Initiative greift. Das eine ist die Lebensqualität in der Schweiz, was ja zu einem Teil von der Grösse und Dichte der Bevölkerung abhängt. Zwar ist die Messung der Lebensqualität subjektiv. Es wäre aber verwegen, Mitbürger/innen das Recht abzusprechen, nach ihr Empfinden abzustimmen. Wer ein ‘Singapur’ vorzieht, soll ruhig Nein stimmen.

Einige Tatsachen sind jedoch einigermassen objektiv festzuhalten. Zum Beispiel, in der realen Schweiz heute bedeutet eine grössere Bevölkerung  dichtere Bebauung, mehr Infrastruktur und weniger Platz für Pflanzen und andere Tierarten. Man kann dies natürlich als mehr, oder weniger, schlimm empfinden. Es geht bloss um die Frage, ob es einer politischen Gesellschaft zusteht, ihre Bevölkerungsgrösse zu steuern. Schön wäre eine Welt mit völlig offenen Grenzen. Aber nicht einmal in links-grünen Kreisen wird eine unbegrenzte Zuwanderung verfochten.

Damit sei das Thema ‘Mensch in der Natur’ oder, ehrlicher ausgedrückt, der Krieg der Menschen gegen andere Tiere, angesprochen. Die grösste Hürde der Initiative ist aber wohl genau unsere erbarmungslose Menschenzentriertheit, die aus Jahrhunderten menschlicher Überheblichkeit stammt. Bei heutigen Verhältnissen in der Schweiz ist es aber eine Tatsache, dass jeder weitere hier wohnende Mensch mit Nicht-Menschen um Lebensraum und Ressourcen konkurrenziert.

Es sind eigentlich eher grüne Kreise, die Achtung vor und Schutz der nicht-menschlichen Natur das Wort reden – und nicht nur, weil dies für uns Menschen von ästhetischem oder freizeiterfüllendem Vorteil ist, sondern auch, weil Nichtmenschen ein Existenzrecht haben. Ob in der Schweiz oder weltweit, wo die heutige Zahl von 7.3 Milliarden Menschen mit 90% Sicherheit auf 10.5 Milliarden wachsen wird, heisst ein weiterer Zuwachs von Menschen den sicheren Untergang nicht nur von vielen anderen Tieren, sondern auch von ganzen Tierarten.

Auch Einwände von links-grüner Seite gegen den zweiten Teil der Initiative sind nichtig. Dieser Teil spricht mehr Geld für die Familienplanung im Ausland zu, eine Sparte der so-genannten Entwicklungshilfe die heute schon in den Budgets aller Geberländer einen festen Platz einnimmt. Sie umfasst Aufklärung, ärztliche Versorgung, die Bereitstellung von Verhütungsmitteln, Bildung, freiwillige Unterbindung, und den Schutz von Menschen-, bzw.
Frauenrechten. Vor der Einreichung dieser Initiative nahmen daran nur religiöse Kreise Anstoss; jetzt sehen hier auch Links-Grüne ethische Schwächen.

Es wäre unsinnig zu bestreiten, dass in sehr armen Gesellschaften eine grössere Anzahl Leute eine schmerzhafte Verminderung des pro-Kopf Konsums verursacht. Niger ist ein gutes Beispiel. Man kann sogar die Ansicht vertreten, es sei eine Unterlassungssünde nur zuzuschauen, wie dort die Wünsche vieler Frauen und Männer nach Verhütungsmitteln unbefriedigt bleiben. Genau dieses Bedürfnis zu befriedigen ist aber das zweite Ziel der Initiative, und zwar sowohl aus humanitären als auch aus umweltschutzerischen Gründen. Um vielen Leuten das Leben zu verbessern stehen solchen Massnahmen sehr kostengünstig zur Verfügung.

Dass ein Mitmachen bei allen solchen Programmen auf freiwilliger Art zu geschehen hat, steht im Initiativtext und muss als selbstverständlich betrachtet werden. Dass in der Praxis manchmal die Freiwilligkeit missachtet wird, oder wurde, ist Tatsache. Reicht diese Erkenntnis aber aus, um Nein zu stimmen? Gar nicht. Die allermeisten Schweizerischen Programme achten streng auf Freiwilligkeit; jedenfalls kenne ich keine Studien, die zeigen würden, Missbrauch sei die Regel. Zweitens hält der Initiativtext fest, dass die von Schweizern unterstützten Programme darauf achten müssen. Mehr kann von einer Schweizer Volksinitiative nicht verlangt werden.

Viele Entwicklungen, die zu einer Reduktion der Geburtenrate führen, sind an sich, d.h. aus humanitären Gründen, zu fördern. Die von Ecopop vorgesehene Erhöhung des Budgets für die ‘Familienplanung’ dient nämlich bekannte Anliegen wie Bildung, Frauenrechte und eine generell bessere Gesundheitsversorgung; eine Verbesserung der Umwelt ist eine Art Nebenwirkung. Ferner können andere ergänzende Massnahmen getroffen werden, die den Wohlstand heben und deshalb oft indirekt die Anzahl Kinder pro Frau reduzieren, wie Fairtrade, Subventionierung der lokalen Landwirtschaft, oder die Aufhebung von Patentrechten.

Wenn solche Massnahmen oder Entwicklungen also humanitäre sowie Umwelt-Anliegen dienen, sind wir in einer seltenen win-win Lage. Geniessen wir das mal! Jedenfalls liegt hierin kein Argument gegen die Initiative. Weltweit gibt es ca. 215,000,000 Frauen, die Zugang zu Verhütungsmitteln wollen, aber nicht haben. Wäre dieses Unrecht behoben, gäbe es jährlich weltweit ca. 35,000,000 weniger unerwünschte oder ungeplante Geburten, dies bei einer Zunahme der Weltbevölkerung jährlich um ca. 80,000,000. Ein Ja wird auch dazu beitragen, für einige Leute, die es wollen, Familienplanung zu ermöglichen.

Niemand hat Freude daran, die Aus- und Einwanderungsfreiheit zu beschränken. Aber es ist gleichwohl keine freudige Sache, sich mit der Problematik des übergrossen ökologischen Fussabdruck der Menschheit zu befassen, oder mit einer seiner Ursachen, nämlich der Anzahl menschlicher ‘ökologischer Füsse’.


Dabei ist die Frage nicht, wie viele Menschen sich auf dieser Welt füttern lassen auf Subsistenzniveau, mit kaum Platz für Gärten, Sportplätze oder Wildnis. Sondern, statt eine maximale Zahl hinzunehmen, dürfen wir uns ein Leben mit Freiraum und bescheidenem Komfort vorstellen – und anstreben. Ist einmal die Erkenntnis da, dass ein ewiges Wachstum weder des Umweltverbrauchs noch der menschlichen Bevölkerung möglich ist, neigt man eh dazu, bei Ecopop Ja zu stimmen. Ecopop kämpft also auch gegen eine in unserer Gesellschaft tief verwürzelte Wachstumsgläubigkeit die sonst auch von grünen Kreisen angeprangert wird.


In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben sich grüne Anliegen fest ins Bewusstsein verankert, z.B. mehr Freiraum für Menschen, die organische Landwirtschaft, der Schutz anderer Tierarten, oder das Einsparen von Wasser, Mineralien und Energieträgern. Alle dieser Probleme sind bei einer niedrigeren Anzahl Menschen einfacher zu lösen.

Dr Blake Alcott, Cambridge UK

Einige Literaturhinweise:
Martha Campbell, Why the silence on population? Population and Environment (2007)
Eileen Crist and Kathleen Bedford, The theoretical and political framing of the population factor in development. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (2009)
Robert Engelman, Worldwatch Report 183 (2010)
Eileen Crist and Phil Cafaro, Life on the Brink (2012)
Webster Alcott, Population Matters, Ecological Economics (2012)
Corey Bradshaw and Barry Brook, Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems, PNAS (2014)
Partners in Population and Development
Population Matters

29 OCTOBER 2023 Gaza Battle


The press where I live - Zürich, Switzerland - has failed both professionally and morally since 7 October 2023. The NZZ, the Tages-Anzeiger, the Weltwoche, 20 Minuten are all HASBARA organs whose coverage is one-sided and is based on the unstated premise that a Jewish-Israeli life is worth (much) more than a Palestinian-Arab life. Disgusting. They apply a double standard in judging the actions of Hamas and the actions of the colonial-apartheid state in effect ruling Gaza, namely Israel. Unfortunately the two rather 'left' papers - Republik and the WochenZeitung - are only marginally better. As Daniel Binswanger, editor of Republik, titled his main article: 'We are all Israelis.' This is repulsive.

Example 1: Tages-Anzeiger published a list of 17 books (10 non-fiction, 7 'Belletristik') to help people understand the background to Gaza 2023. Guess how many Palestinian authors there were? One and a half, both not non-fiction: 1) Ghassan Kanafani's 83-page novella of 1969, Return to Haifa. That author was murdered by Mossad in 1972. 2) Samir El Youssef, who collaborated with Etgar Keret for a book of short stories. And these 'culture' editors call themselves journalists. Ridiculous.

Example 2: Big articles when Yocheved Lifschitz, the 85-year-old Israeli hostage released by Hamas, talked to the press. The things she said about 'going through hell' and the tunnels' being 'like a spiderweb' were duly recorded, but not her clear statement that she was in all respects treated very well by her captors. And no mention of how she turned and thanked and shook the hand of a Hamas soldier behind her before being led away by her daughter. Any sacrifice of journalistic and human integrity for the sake of HASBARA.

Example 3: The NZZ's Oliver Camenzind 'reported' on the demonstration/march in Zürich on Sat. 28 October. I was there. I saw and heard nothing remotely anti-semitic. The article claimed anti-semitic stuff was chanted, with no proof. That claim dominated the article, which means: even if there were two people who said something anti-semitic, or carried such a banner, focussing on that is a distortion. And of course the definition of 'anti-semitism' used is the absurd, morally dastardly one of equating anti-Israel with anti-Jew.

For me NZZ, Tagi, Weltwoche, WoZ and Republik are Zionist rags most likely unreliable on other topics. On this topic, they are both immoral and uninformed.

28 OCTOBER 2023 Gaza Battle


I stand unequivocally on the side of the Palestinian people in their fight against the colonial, apartheid state of Israel. Congratulations to this group who in its 'Statement of Solidarity with Palestine' on 13 October wrote, "The Feminist Library stands unequivocally with the Palestinian people in their long-enduring resistance to settler colonialism, apartheid, and occupation." Yes, with no ifs and buts.